Don and Gallery Naerden proudly present Don's solo show 'Pastry'. In a delightful ensemble of 'bakery bliss', Don shows roughly 30 paintings from his most recent bakery sessions. Come in and find out what delishiousness is on view.
From 10 till 30 November, 2023. At Gallery Naerden, Marktstraat 38, Naarden-Vesting. Currated by the stylemeister San Ming himself.
Artistic approach
Strongly inspired by the visual power of the early constructivist and abstract artists I created my own visual dream world, which is characterized by its linear and geometric, almost architectural approach, combined with elements of organic shapes.
Each individual work projects a still from our surroundings. It reflects both the constant change and the eternal static character of our world.

Commissioned Works
Are you looking for a personalized/customized artwork? One of my strong suits is working out custom-made abstract concepts.
Anything is possible
From small drawings to large painted diptychs. Both in my own free expression as custom commissioned artworks. Drop me a letter in my mailbox and we'll discuss preferences.